Everybody gets nervous around job interviews, especially as the attendee. Some even get nervous just applying to jobs during their job search. Rest assured, it is perfectly normal. There are varying degrees of anxiety and this article is designed to cover top tips for you.
How To Get Over Your Interview Nerves
The below outlines six tips to think about before and during the job interview. read through them and act on them to help calm you down. Don't go overboard and act too cocky though. Nobody likes an arrogant candidate that thinks they are the be-all and end-all.
Take a deep breath and let's get started.
3 Pre-Interview Tips
There are some things candidates can actually do before an interview. In the lead-up, you can take into account the following to help get you in the right mental and physical state.
1. Build Up Your Endorphin
Meditate or exercise. If you find that you are sighing a lot, try and expel this bad air by meditating. Meditating helps you to focus on your breath and steady your heart rate. This naturally helps anxiety subside. Going to the gym is also proven to release feel-good endorphins.
2. Eat Smart
There is such a thing as a good breakfast that can help you power through your morning and day. Eat some superfoods, keep coffee to a minimum, and don't drink alcohol. These breakfast meals can help you focus and feel good about yourself. Don't forget to hydrate, but not so much that you give yourself more anxiety by needing to run to the toilet.
3. Practice Practice Practice
Practice makes perfect. This saying holds true. You think you might be able to wing it but it pays to be prepared. A question might get thrown your way and you should do everything in your power to get ready for it. Grab a friend or family member and practice together. Allow them to give you feedback and constructive criticism to help you improve. If you are too nervous about being judged, practice by yourself. It doesn't have to be in front of a mirror. Just practice what work examples you might mention or projects.
3 In-Interview Tips
Here are three tips to help you manage the fear throughout the interview.
4. Listen
Take your time to listen carefully to what the hiring manager has to say. Take a pause and think about how you will answer. It's ok to take your time. Take one or two seconds before you answer. This will also ensure that you don't overlap and talk over them just as they are finishing up their sentence.
5. Slow Down
Pace yourself. Don't talk too fast as if you're rambling through a script. Sound human. Try not to recite a script as this will make you more nervous if you don't remember word for word. The key is to be natural and yourself, while being articulate. Clear communication is paramount.
6. Body Language
There may be a tendency to tap your feet, click your fingers, twiddle your thumbs or flick your hair. Be aware of what your actions are saying. Actions speak louder than words. It's ok to be nervous, but try not to let your body show it. Take a deep breath and if it's too difficult, make sure that your tendency to show nervousness can't be seen.
Final Top Tips
1. Control What You Can
Sleep is key. This may help you sleep more peacefully the night before the interview. Worry about the things that you control, not the things that you can't. There is nothing you can do the night before the interview. All you can do is sleep a few hours, wake up, and then attend it.
2. Don't Know an Answer?
Redirect your response if you don't know the answer to a question. Think about tying it in with an experience that you have had at your previous or current company. Talk them through how you dealt with it.
Now you have all the tips to get yourself prepared. Just bear in mind that it is normal to still have butterflies in your stomach. You're only human. Here are a few Tips to Upgrade Your Job Interview Skills.