Career Advice

Intern to Perm at a Fintech: How did they do it?

min read
Wani Azahar

A career at Prive certainly sounds like exciting work and we understand why you’d be eager to get some experience in this fast-paced and dynamic environment, especially if you’re a fresh grad or a current student looking to broaden your horizons. If so, you’re in luck, because Prive is hiring! Whether you’re looking for an internship or a junior-level position, Prive has the opportunity for you.

But what exactly is Prive like? Will it really be right for me? We know you have some burning questions but don’t fret! We’ve got the answers for you. Take a look at our behind-the-scenes interview with three of Prive’s former interns, who are now full-time employees of the company and let their first-hand experience reassure you.

Q. How did you hear about Prive? What made you want to join as an intern?

Varatchaya Kuansataporn, a member of the Advisory team, originally became an intern at Prive’s office in Thailand. Despite being offered a full-time job at a bank and a consultancy firm, she fell in love with Prive and migrated to Hong Kong to become a full-time employee in the center of the action. When asked why she chose Prive over her other opportunities, she claimed that it was Prive’s steep learning curve that attracted her. She said, “I knew it would help me excel ahead of others in the future, and since I was a fresh graduate I had the freedom to explore less conventional opportunities.”

Q. What is the work culture at Prive like?

When asked about the work culture at Prive, almost everyone feels the same: proactive, highly collaborative, and fast-paced. Varatchaya tells us that “office hours, dress codes, and other formalities are much less important than being responsible, reliable, and most importantly, getting the job done.” This sentiment is shared by fellow ex-intern Mustansir Husain, who is now a member of the Strategy department. He says that Prive’s inclusive culture makes it a wonderful place to work at. Despite there being tight deadlines and a high-intensity workload, “the support one gets from the team makes it possible to deliver those targets and deliver on time. People are willing to listen and help whenever and wherever possible.”

Q. What was the team at Prive like?

“Inspiring and motivational,” Mustansir says. “You don’t get to be one of the fastest-growing companies in the GBA without a special bunch of people, and that is exactly what everyone at Prive is.” Varatchaya praises their professionalism and boundless creativity, saying that they’re not only funny, but they’re “respectful people that you can always learn a thing or two from every day.”

Q. Did you feel that you received the necessary support to excel in the fintech industry as a newcomer?

Despite being a total beginner to the fintech industry, Varatchaya felt that Prive was the best way to enter the fintech world. All of her managers had extensive experience in wealth management. Mustansir has a similar story and talks about Prive’s preparedness for this scenario — they have “a number of materials created to not only explain to new joiners about their own products but to also help them understand the industry.”

Q. What was the most challenging aspect of working at Prive? How did you overcome it?

Comically, the interns’ first response to this question was exactly the same: you will not be treated as a junior. Mustansir shares how, even as an intern, a lot of his work would be sent directly to external parties, leaving little room for error. Varatchaya found that she had to be more engaged mentally and detail-oriented than she used to be, which was frightening to her as she thought she would get no support. However, both interns are unanimous when it comes to talking about the help their colleagues and managers would provide, giving them both the confidence to succeed.

Q. What was your favorite part about working at Prive?

Baala Natajaran, who now works in the strategy team at Prive looking after their partnership efforts, talks at length about the dynamic nature of his work and how he enjoys that no two days are the same. Mustansir agrees, saying, “there is never a dull moment.” Varatchaya explains that as a result of the lean structure of the company and small team sizes, she had to handle multiple tasks at once that were occasionally out of her job description. However, this resulted in her receiving “first-hand experience of a project’s whole lifecycle, from sales to scoping, implementation, delivery, and post-delivery.” Which, as she rightfully points out, for someone with a junior position is extremely rare.

Q. How did you grow as an individual, both personally and professionally while working for Prive?

Baala says that the diversity of opportunities available gave him a great amount of exposure and pushed him to become a better version of himself. Mustansir echoes this, saying that his teammates’ faith in his abilities gave him a boost of confidence. “This has also made me open to trying new things and making my own decisions and take charge of situations, knowing that I have the support of my managers and my team.”

Q. If there was one thing you could change about your experience as an intern, what would it be and why?

Being more proactive, Baala laments. When I initially started off, I was hesitant to take initiative as I was not sure if I was doing the right thing.” However, the support network at Prive is so well-established that this fear was unnecessary. Indeed, Mustanir says something similar, wishing that he had more faith in his abilities from the beginning and had been less afraid to fail.

After reading their testimonials, do you think you’ve got what it takes? More importantly, are you up for the challenge? If the answer to these questions is yes, there’s only one thing left to do. Apply for a position at Prive today! Check out more blogs, videos, and podcast from Prive on Happyer — the modern job platform for millennials and GenZ.

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