Doerscircle is a platform for Independent Doers, focused on building products and solutions that are needed for success at work and in life. We’re uniting individuals who’re braving it on their own - by leveraging the power of numbers and strength in community, we’re negotiating with solutions providers to level access. We’re building a platform that bring Independent Doers better terms and conditions, services and tools that give them support and security so they can focus on what they do best. We’re building a community so we can be Independent, Together.
We’re a team of self-starting, mission-driven Doers. We’re really excited about reshaping the world for Independent Doers. Our most valuable resource is our people with a diversity of backgrounds, ideas, opinions, and life experiences. We’ve built a culture that is flexible, dynamic, open, and inclusive. When you join Doerscircle, you join a team that’s pushing for disruption, hungry for adventure, and passionate about building a better world.