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14/F Kingdom Power Commercial Building, 32-36 Des Vouex Road West
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Green Queen Media (HK)
Green Queen Media (HK)
Green Queen Media (HK)

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  • Employees: 5-10
  • Industry: Sustainability, Media
  • Headquarters: Hong Kong

What We Do

Founded by serial entrepreneur Sonalie​ ​Figueiras​ in 2011, Green Queen is an award-winning impact media platform advocating for social & environmental change and covering the latest in sustainability, climate & future of food news. Our mission is to shift consumer behaviour through inspiring & empowering original content in Asia and beyond.

Our Culture

We are a small team that supports each other like no other and walks the walk with our daily actions and choices. We are value-driven and always over-deliver for our stakeholders & readers while building the long-term relationships with every major player in the sustainability field.

Why Work Here

  • Be part of the most passionate green team in town 
  • Expand your network and meet key industry leaders that are making the world healthier, safer and fairer
  • We offer flexible working hours and arrangements
  • You will have opportunities  to manage multiple projects and initiatives (it’s never boring)

The Office

  • Dress Code: Casual
  • Layout: Open Plan
  • Features: Bright (window), Super convenient location
  • Amenities: Free coffee, snacks & regular vegan food deliveries for trialing
Green Queen Media (HK)
Green Queen Media (HK)
Green Queen Media (HK)

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14/F Kingdom Power Commercial Building, 32-36 Des Vouex Road West

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