Reccelerate provides high touch, quality driven Rec2Rec and Market Intelligence services to agency and corporate clients in Asia. Our business is divided into two distinct offerings: 1) Retained/Exclusive Contingent search for leadership level recruiters, and 2) Contingent search for everything else
Our internal customers are every bit as important to us as our external ones – we provide a work style that balances your pursuit for career excellence with interests and responsibilities outside of work. We have created a company that believes in sharing success with each and every team member in a way that is fair, easy to understand, and class leading. We are a tight team who enjoy and understand the benefits of working collaboratively – feels like home even when at work! We love what we do and believe that it matters – this sometimes means working irregular hours! The culture we have created makes people want to contribute in the same way, this comes quite naturally and unforced especially when you assemble a team that cares as much as you do. On the flip side we are not clock watchers! Get what you need done and have committed to and you are free to head to the gym, test drive that lunch venue you’ve been putting off……