A video job interview may seem vastly different from an in-person interview, but it is not. In actuality, it is one and the same. Unless the setting varies, such as requiring a pre-recording, you can relax. This is a two-way interview, which means there is a chance to build rapport through dialogue.
The job interviewer will have set questions in mind that they would like to ask. Occasionally, there is the irregular question that can throw you off. For instance, "Can You Tell Us Anything Else About Yourself? But generally speaking, the following most common questions are still asked. Here is how to nail them:
1. Why Should We Hire You?
The best way to answer this question is to stay relevant. You want them to want to need you, so take a good look at the job description. Make this question about them and not you. How do you do this? Talk about the skills you can bring to the table that you know they are looking for in this role. Show that you are keen on this position and that you also enjoy doing it. Giving concrete examples of past experiences can help.
Top Tip: Scan over the keywords in the JD and drop these in. But make sure your sentences flow, you do not want to sound scripted.
2. Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?
Stay positive. In no circumstance should you bad mouth your previous employer. This will put you in a bad light and make them wonder if you will do the same to them if you left. Or worse, if you are the problem. Veer away from the negative and talk about the future. You can mention that the role was moving in a direction that did not align with your career goals. Or you can talk about more that you want to do that this job opportunity offers. Stay curious and sound ambitious.
Top Tip: Bring the conversation back to the position by talking about doing the work that needs to be done. And that it can be done by you.
3. What Are Your Strengths?
Choose one or two powerful strengths that can set yourself apart as a candidate. You want to show that you know yourself and that this strength can be useful to the employer too. Match it with what they are looking for in the interviewee. Then provide a proof point. Statistics or figures are a great way to provide emphasis.
4. What Are Your Weaknesses?
This may seem like a tricky question to handle, but it is quite simple. First of all, focus on a skill. Do not choose something related to your personality. Why? Because skill sets are valuable to employers and are something you can work on. Next, show that you are improving on this weakness. This shows problem-solving skills in itself. They will be excited to see that you are open to learning new things.
Examples are: not being great at Excel. So you are taking an online course on it and learning about macro formulas. Or you are a slow typer. So you are taking touch typing training.
5. Why Do You Want This Job?
Give the interviewer a window to your mind by talking about your priorities and goals. You do not want the only reason to be because you are in between jobs and unemployed for instance. To answer this question effectively, give specific examples of past experiences. Be selective with the case studies or projects you choose to mention. You want to make an immediate impact. The example should fit nicely with certain aspects of this job.
6. What Is Your Dream Job?
This is another tricky question that many stumble upon and get caught out on. It is likely that the chances of this role being your dream job is slim. What you want to do is avoid clear-cut positions or titles. Instead, describe what your dream job would look like. What kind of tasks and responsibilities it will entail? What kind of qualities in a job excites you? Remember to stay relevant. Choose an aspect of the job description that ties back into the role you are being interviewed for. Then, slowly move into why you are interested in this particular position.
7. Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?
The majority of people do not know where they will be in five years. But it is a question interviewers still like to ask. Why? Because they want to know that you have at least thought about it. So show them that by talking about your career goals. This shows you care. You also want to sound ambitious and a little bit curious about learning new things. An employer wants an open-minded person that could be willing to try new things. Showing that you have the motivation to advance is a winner.
The Takeaway
Practicing these job interview questions will help you in video and face-to-face interviews. Nothing has changed but the setting. Ultimately, the interviewer wants to know that you are still the same person on- and off-screen. Be yourself and remember to be confident but not egotistic. Staying relevant will help you ace your interview. Concrete examples will also help the hiring manager visualise and comprehend your achievements.
For more pointers on how to best prepare, read "6 Tips to Nail Your Video Job Interview."